
I need you! (TF2 Soldier) pt 6

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The ding from the waffle iron saved me. I took a deep breath as I pulled the first waffle off. The coffee pot beeped as I poured on more batter. I turned to Soldier "Are you hungry?"
He shook his head "Negatory! First I must train. Where are your training grounds?"

I scoffed "Training grounds? I don't have any training grounds! I work at a grocery store not a military base!" Soldier glanced around the room before dropping to the floor. I buttered the waffles "What are you doing?"

Soldier huffed "Trying to do push-ups."

I turned to him "Trying? Do you need more space?"

He stood up and stared at me "No. But I could use you."

I blushed "Wh-what?! M-ME?! Woah! I ain't-"

Soldier cut me off "You will sit on my back while I do pushups!"

I pulled the next waffle off the iron and unplugged it "What? Why?"

Soldier frowned "What isn't it obvious?! You're fat and I need something heavy on my back for training."

I glared at him "Fat?! FAT?! Hey! I'm only five foot three and one hundred fiftyfifty pounds! I may have some extra weight but I am not fat!"

Soldier rolled his eyes "Don't get so pissy maggot! It was a complement! You should be happy I called you fat!"

I crossed my arms "In what world should I be happy you called me fat!? There are better ways you could have phrased that!"

Soldier groaned and muttered something under his breath "Fine whatever! Sorry! Now would you just sit on my back now?!"

I uncrossed my arms and turned to the waffles. That was probably the best apology I was going to get out of him that didn't involve another fight. I began to cut up my waffles "Just let me finish here, then I'll help you."

Soldier grinned "Great!" I shook my head as I poured on syrup. This guy has poor social skills. At least he was nice to look at. So far that was one of his few saving graces. Soldier grinned at me. Or at least tried to. It came out looking like he wanted to molest me. His eyes followed me as I walked to him.

When I was close enough he got back onto the floor "Now sit!"

It was my turn to roll my eyes "Woof woof." Soldier raised a brow at me. I smiled lightly and climbed onto his back. I blushed as I sat cross legged. As he began to do push-ups I ate. The way his muscles moved and contorted under his skin was nothing less than fantastic. I had to admit it was a bit arousing.

It didn't take me long to finish eating "Hey Soldier?"

He paused for a second to scratch his face "Yeah?"

I set my plate down on the floor "Last night... You were talking about a teleporter and something about a sawmill?"

He chuckled to himself like a mad man "I was talking about my job!"

I looked down at him "Your job? what do you do? If you don't mind my asking?"

Soldier paused for a moment "I'm a mercenary fighting for R.E.D. Reliable Excavation and Demolition! I kill B.L.U.! Or Builders League United! I hate them! I hate them so much it makes my eyes bleed blood!"

I stared blankly down at him "What?"

Soldier mistook mistook my skepticism for fear and promptly grinned at me "No worries! I won't kill you!"

I flashed a nervous smile "How reassuring!"

Soldier lowered "I'm going to do sit ups! you can get off Now!"

I climbed off of his back and picked my plate up. I pulled down a coffee cup "So are you the only one who fights?"

Soldier got on his back and began to do sit ups "No mam! There are six other men, one boy, and one unknown who fight with me!"

I poured hot love into my large cup "Unknown?"

Soldier grunted "Yes! Pyro! It always wears a mask and fire proof uniform! It's gender is unknown at this time or any other!"

I added cream and sugar to my coffee and gently stirred "Pyro? Now I'm confused."

Soldier turned to look at me without stopping "Pyro works with fire. Uses a flame thrower."

I gave him a disbelieving stare "A flame thrower." Soldier nodded "That's right! Along with an axe and shotgun! I myself prefer my trusty rocket launcher and shovel."

I took a sip of coffee "A rocket launcher? Cool! You said there were others who fight with you? So who else is on your team?"

Soldier grinned "Well there's my drinking buddy Demoman. He's a drunk black Scottish Cyclops. His specialty is explosives. He's a fine son of a bitch! He may be young, but Scouts alright. He's got a good head on his shoulders. Scout prefers a scatter gun and an aluminum baseball bat." I topped my cup off with more coffee as Soldier continued "I don't trust that French crouton Spy! UnAmerican backstabbing bastard! He'll sneak up behind you and stab you in the back! That's the cowards way of doing things! At least that shela Sniper knows how to fight like a man! All HE needs to do is stop using that sissy sniper riffle! They should take some pointers from Heavy! He may be a giant Russian commie bastard but at least he fight's like a man-bear-thing! Not like that frilly Nazi Medic! Running around the field with no real weapons! He's an easy target just asking for a crocket in the ass!" He stood up & proceed to walk toward me "The only man on my team who can get away with coward-ism is Engineer! and That's only because he cooks ribs! Now where the hell is breakfast?!"
this is fun
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